Sunday 30 August 2015

Final training session

So off to the gym I go. My final training session and then total rest for the week before departure.  45min light cycling and some core work. The training has been such a big part of my routine that it's going to be so strange to do nothing in the coming week...but R&R is vital for the expedition ahead. I will still come to gym, but just relax in the sauna and steam room and go for a few massages. I'm feeling like I'm coming up with a flu, so I'm hoping that it comes and goes within this week, so that I'm all good to go by next week when we depart.
I feel good and positive, as well as nervous (with excitement). I've worked hard and I'm mentally and physically psych'd up for this amazing experience. Now the rest is up to the weather, good health and safety- God Willing.